Friday, December 30, 2016

Denham Springs Fine Art Association General Meeting

The Denham Springs Fine Art Association will be meeting on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 due to the New Year's Holiday. The meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. and will be located at Old City Hall, 115 Mattie St., Denham Springs, LA 70726 in the antique district. On the Agenda, we will be voting for officers and forming the committees for upcoming year.We have plenty to discuss about our plans for the new year. All visitors are welcome! If you have an interest in joining a really fun group of artist then you won't want to miss this. Refreshments will be served and you can bring a snack if you wish. Looking forward to seeing you all.
Chris Bajon Jones
President- DSFAA
For more information : Email or call Ph. (225) 664-5290

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas Denham Springs Fine Art Association

Wishing you all a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!
Chris Bajon Jones- President - Denham Springs Fine Art Association

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Denham Springs Fine Art Association Art Exhibit at ACLP for the month of AUGUST 2016

Denham Springs Fine Art Association members are exhibiting at the Arts Council of Livingston Parish. Our reception is Saturday, August 13th from 10 to 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome to come view the art!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Denham Springs Fine Art Association August General Meeting

DSFAA Member 
Mary Jane Hunt
Demo on underpainting in Acrylics

Laying in the background colors

This is a beautiful example
of the finished painting.

The Denham Springs Fine Art Association is a fun, very much hands on club. We have a wonderful time
creating art are very fortunate to have very talented guest speakers at our meetings. This is just one example of the good times we have when we meet. The meetings are held the first Monday of every month providing it's not a holiday. For more information on DSFAA please contact:
Chris Bajon Jones
President - Denham Springs Fine Art Association
Email :

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Denham Springs Fine Art Association Spring Art Show 2016

DSFAA Spring Art Show 2016 Winners

Works Under Glass
1st Place- Frances Watson "Amarylis" watercolor
2nd Place - Joette LeBlanc "Tung Oil #1" watercolor
3rd Place -A. Lynne Jones "The Colors of Tuscany" watercolor
Honorable Mention -Chris Bajon Jones "Blue Birds and Barbed Wire" pastel
Works Not Under Glass
1st Place- Margaret Shipley "Blue Hydrangeas" oil
2nd Place -Pat Zeller "Four Peppers" acrylic
3rd Place -Margaret Shipley "Dragons Den" oil
Honorable Mention -Michelle Conques "Waiting For Someone" acrylic
1st Place -KC Kitty Kuhnert "Azalea Lane" photography
Honorable Mention- A. Lynne Jones "Cape San Blas, Fla" photography
1st Place - Margaret Shipley "Along Old Tunica Road" oil
Honorable Mention - KC Kitty Kuhnert "Napping Cherub" photography
The Group Photo of winners taken by Charlotte Walker - pictured left to right:
Margaret Shipley, Joette LeBlanc, Michelle Conques, Chris Jones, Lynne Jones, Pat Zeller, Frances Watson(not pictured KC Kitty Kuhnert

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Denham Springs Fine Art Association 2016 Spring Show


Denham Springs Fine Art Association 2016 Spring Art Show
Art Take in Thursday, April 28th 4-7 p.m. and Friday April 29th from 10-noon at De Lou's Glass Design, 125 N. Range Ave., (corner of Mattie St.) Denham Springs $25 for members and $35 for non-members
Categories are Works Not Under Glass, Works Under Glass, Photography, Mini Painting Division.
Show Sponsor is Dick Blick at
Reception will be Monday, May 2nd,7 pm at the DS/Walker Library
DSFAA is a non-profit organization of local artist committed to promoting interest in visual art. DSFAA Meets on the first Monday of each month. Annual dues are $25 and includes spouse. For additional info contact Show Chairman-Sandra Middelton (225) 664--9565 or President-Chris Jones at or (225)664-5290

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

In Loving Memory of DSFAA Member Betty Jean Ainslie

Betty Jean Ainslie

Betty and Jack Ainslie joined the Denham Springs Fine Art Association around sixteen years ago.  From the very beginning of her membership Betty was an active member. She worked on the Hospitality, Membership, Publicity, Program committees, and  was a long time DSFAA Board member.  As chair woman for the Hospitality committee Betty organized the food for monthly meetings, the receptions for DSFAA, and Christmas party.  Refreshments are a major part of the DSFFA meetings, it makes the meetings fun and sociable.  The Social and Hospitality committee work hard to give something extra to the meetings. Betty was a big part of this and worked to keep DSFAA growing but fun. She and Jack faithfully attended regular monthly meetings,the board meetings, receptions and parties.   Betty entered art in many of the DSFAA shows.  She was delighted when she won a ribbon but praised all the artists who entered the shows to support DSFAA.  Everything she did was thought out and hands on. Betty always had opinions and good advice, she even did a program for the entire club one month.  The members adored Betty and Jack, appreciated all the help and support they gave to the club and to individual members.  She and Jack were fun members, treasured by DSFAA.  Both Betty and Jack will be missed.

Monday, February 8, 2016

DSFAA Play With Clay at The Artistico Express

 The finished pieces by DSFAA Members. 
Ready for the kiln.Can't wait for the finished results.
What a fabulous fun night!
A very big "THANK YOU!" to this fine lady.
Mary Rebstock owner of Artistico
We can not put into words how grateful
we are for your hospitality.
Paint your own pottery
For more information on Parties, Field Trips or Group Fundraisers
Contact Mary Rebstock (225) 756-4996

Monday, February 1, 2016

DSFAA February Meeting-Painting Bookmarks

The Finished Product
Mike Avant, Elizabeth Thompson and Michelle Conques

Joette LeBlanc and Mary Rebstock hard at work!

Edith McCon, Mary Jane Hunt and Lynne Jones

Chris Jones, Mary Head and Nell Passman painting away!
Kathy Tedaldi overseeing the project.
Thank You Kathy!
We all had so much fun!
Pat Zeller, how did you manage not to get in the photos?

Monday, January 4, 2016

Denham Springs Fine Art Association Officers 2016

The Denham Springs Fine Art Association
Officers for 2016

Pictured from left to right:
Pat Zeller -Treasurer
Nell Passman - Parliamentarian
Chris Jones - President
Sandra Middleton - Vice President
Mary Jane Hunt - Secretary