Friday, July 31, 2015

Tom Wallace Art Wall Ochsner Medical Center

Pat Zeller's art is hanging at Ochsner Medical Center, 17000 Medical Center Dr., Baton Rouge, La. The exhibit  can be viewed on the "Tom Wallace Art Wall."  This is an eclectic show painted in different styles, subjects  and medium.  Her work is pleasing to the eye and learns more toward  realism.  Pat is a member of Central Art League and a DSFFA member serving as Treasurer.  She is also a member of LAAG and ACLP.  Ochsner maintains the art wall in an effort to support the arts and involve the community. For thousands of years, music, artwork, dance and other forms of art have been used to support the healing process. The art display is one of many ongoing projects of Ochsner Medical Center--Baton Rouge to promote a sense of well being and renewal to those who visit. This is one of the avenues Ochsner is using to demonstrate its commitment to the healing of patients, families, and employees. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Photos from the July 2015 DSFAA Meeting


Denham Springs Fine Art Association
July 2015 General Meeting
Guest Artist Steve Shamburger

The meeting went very well. We voted on the theme for the upcoming DSFAA Fall Art Show. The theme this year will be "Fall For The Arts" submitted by Chris Bajon Jones. A special thanks to Steve and his wife for a wonderful demonstration. We all enjoyed it very much.