Thursday, August 29, 2013

Denham Springs Fine Art Association General Meeting September 3, 2013

Just a reminder about the September DSFAA Meeting September 3, 2013.This month Monday is Labor Day so our meeting will be held on Tuesday.Our guest speaker will be Dody Sandifer. His creativity has now progressed to paintings in acrylic and has evolved and moved him toward another media - metal sculpture. Whimisical critters he calls "junk Art" The Denham Springs Fine Art Association would like to welcome Dody Sanddifer to our club. He gave a wonderful presentation tonight.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

"Orphan Art Show" Artist Bonnie Smith Williams

Bonnie Smith Williams is the featured artist on the gallery walls at The Watson Branch Library in Watson, Louisiana. She has 25 pieces of art in the show depicting different subjects, sizes and mediums. The exhibit titled "ORPHAN ART SHOW (for paintings that need a good home)" will be hanging August 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013. Please stop in and enjoy the art work at the library located at 36581 Outback Road during regular library hours. For more information about the show contact the library at 225-664-3963 or Bonnie at Please contact Bonnie if you are interested in one of her original pieces of art. Do stop in the library to see the show and what is going on at the library.